Well, here are my girls after a couple of weeks! Aren't they just so stinkin beautiful? They're all growing so fast and changing with every picture I see. My Emma has just a headful of hair! It's so dark and beautiful. Bless her little heart, she keeps scratching her beautiful face so Jennifer has to put these cute little mitts on her sweet hands. Gotta protect that cute little face. And Allie is just three weeks old and has already gained over two pounds! Little porker that she is. That's her in the pink blowing me kisses. But alas, all this activity has made them tired. Gosh, how precious and peaceful is a sleeping baby?

These precious little things put a totally different spin on life for you. They make you remember what's important in life. Sometimes it's good to slow down and make sure you have time to look at the pictures and hug those babies. There's a great verse that my sister cross-stitched that says something like, "So go away cobwebs because you can wait cause I'm rocking my babies and babies can't wait." I think that pretty well sums it up. I'm off to find rocking chairs for both my girls!