Everyone who knows me knows that I love Hanna Stamps. They got me back into stamping and I've had the greatest time with these stamps. Kristi Ferro, the owner, is one of the funnest, most gracious people I've ever done business with. She has great stamps, has a great outlook on life, loves Wii and well, she just rocks! So she put out a 1:1 Exchange on the Hanna Stamps yahoo list so I signed up. So who's name did I get? Hers. Wow! Talk about having butterflies in my stomach in doing a project and sending it out. I tell you, those of you who are on design teams, I don't know how you do it! I admire your spunk and confidence in your work. Well, I pulled out my SPF50 mini set, sucked in a breath of fresh air, breathed it out, and this is what I came up with.
I love the tin! A new friend of mine on another list sent me one and I had such fun, I ordered a couple more so this one is my version of Fun in the Sun. I was reading a post where Kristi said she'd like to have one to put her cuttlebug folders in so I thought it would be a perfect project. I found the directions on Splitcoaststampers. The tin is from Oriental Trading company, the paper is by Bazzill, Modgepodge, and assorted ribbons.
Then, I thought what do I really enjoy during the summer? Wine. So I decided to stamp a few of the images on Shrinkidink and make some charms for wine glasses out of them. I thought they came out cute. I put them around the handle of the tin so I wouldn't lose track of them! I colored them with Sharpies. I forgot how much fun shrinking stuff could be!
Then I was exhausted but since I love the SPF50 set, I just wanted to make a card. I love the background paper. I picked it up at Joann's and I didn't see a company or name on the back of it. But I loved it.
So Kristi, here's my summer project that's going postal today just for you. Enjoy!