Over at the Digi Bells Design Team Blog, we're hosting our monthly blog hop while showing off the beautiful creation that Elisabeth has in store for you! If you came to my blog from our fearless leader, Lynda, then you're on the right track. If not, make sure that you start at the very beginning. I don't want you to miss a single thing! Here's the order:
Mary Lou -http://marylouscorner.blogspo
Sebrina -http://sissi4477.blogspot.com/
Alethea -http://lilodesigns.blogspot.com/
Pam -http://pamiscraftycreations.blogspot.co.uk/
Linda -http://pysselbus.blogspot.com/
Pam -http://pamiscraftycreations.b
Linda -http://pysselbus.blogspot.
Olivia - http://ormcraftynights.blogspot.com/
Digi Bell Blog - http://digibellsdt.blogspot.com/
Now, here's my Christmas Bell:
Isn't she stunning? She's colored with copics and has some stickles and Diamond Glaze all over her and he gorgeous cape. I added some Flower Soft in snowy white and some Martha Stewart glitter to her boots. The flowers are from Bitty Blossoms from Spellbinders and the leaves and branches are from Martha Stewart. The ribbon and gems are from my stash.
Here's a close up of her.
Isn't she just gorgeous? I love her sweet face!
Here's the inside.
Now off you go to Alethea's blog for her gorgeous project for you. Make sure to leave a comment so you can be in the running for winning this sweet beauty! Now, hop on!