I love the show "Tool Time". Love Tim Taylor's take on things and how he always wants to be right. This past Christmas we bought Branden a great set of power tools. They came in a nice box and we got like the last set for a while. The trouble is when we went to hide them (people look everywhere around the house for stuff so finding a hiding place at the house isn't an option if it's something you don't want found!), I put them with someone who was gone for a while. Christmas came and went and all Branden had was a picture and the promise of his tools to come. He wasn't going to use them until the weather broke, but he should have had them. When we were able to get them to him, he was like a kid in a candy store! If there's anything we need fixed around the house, he's always ready to pull out tools and take care of it. Be it cars, tables, furniture, ramps for their automated little motor cars, or dirt bikes, they've got the tools to get it done. Funny how younger kids don't seem to fight when they're fixing things together. Or perhaps they don't fight when you can hear them!
I've heard men fighting over putting things together my whole life. I remember Mom and Dad bought a shed to put the lawnmower and rakes in. My uncle came over and was going to help. They laid out all the parts and just dove in. Didn't read the directions or instructions. They knew what they were doing. They both had different opinions and ways and knew that their way was right and only their way. They could figure it out themselves. Yeah, right! After lots of arguing and fighting and "I told you sos", they finished. What could have taken them an hour took at least five or six! Once I got my license, every time there was something around the house to put together, I grabbed the keys to one of the cars and off I'd go. All I wanted was peace and quiet!
When I saw Fixafella, I knew he was one of the guys that I had to own. I could do anything I wanted to him and let's admit it. Every guy thinks he can fix things. Be it your heart, your life or your DVD stands, they can make everything right. I still like to think that that's possible. Or at least for most of the time!
So for the men in my life that have fixed things for me, here's to you! Fix away!